Title: Photocatalytic Degradation of Selected VOCs by using Potential Nanomaterials
Authors: Dr. Pallavi N and Dr. Shivaraju H Puttaiah
ISBN: 978-81-949008-1-8
Publisher: Greens Publisher, GREENS TRUST
Title: Synthesis of nanomaterials, characterization and development of hybrid photovoltaic cells
Authors: Dr. Vadiraj K T & Dr. Belagli S L
ISBN: 978-81-949008-2-5
Publisher: Greens Publisher, GREENS TRUST
Title: Extraction and demonstration of bioactive compounds from selected endemic plant species in Western Ghats, Shimoga region
Authors: Dr. Anil Kumar KM and Dr. Shivaraju HP
ISBN: 978-81-949008-5-6
Publisher: Greens Publisher, GREENS TRUST
Title: Methane production using kitchen waste and municipal wastewater: A new approach on renewable energy
Authors: Ms. Hileni M Shivolo and Dr. Shivaraju HP
ISBN: 978-93-91847-0X-X
Publisher: Greens Publisher, GREENS TRUST